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Ferris Wheel Press

FerriTales 85ml Ink - The Three Little Pigs

Ferris Wheel Press

Under the dappled canopy of the thick forest, the Big Bad Wolf creeps with a sinister grace, eyes glinting and cunning. As minutes pass, he watches a familial scene unfold. The eldest of the pig siblings works diligently, getting more annoyed as his younger siblings frolic, only feigning hard work. For a moment the wolf reconsiders his targets, unsure if he wants to interject on such a tense family scene, or if his appetite being sated is worth the awkward conversation. Let the ash brown of this ink inspire your next deep musings and bring flow to creative tensions.

Curious Woods

Ink Tone: Ash Brown with Duochrome green/pink shimmer
Characteristics:Neutral, warm, woody

Gale Force Green

Ink Tone: Deep Eucalyptus with Duochrome green/pink shimmer
Characteristics: Delicate, Muted, Haze, Mystical

Captured in the classic 85ml glass globe featuring the signature brass cap, this high quality, richly saturated pen ink is a cherished collection. Explore a world of premium, dazzling shimmers, enchanting tonal combinations, and captivating sheens to add to your treasured chest of stationery.

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